8 Tips for Using Logic Models to Improve Project Design and M&E, with Case Study

You might be accustomed to attaching logic models to your donor proposals, but do you also use them as project design tools? META’s 8 Tips for Using Logic Models provides an overview of logic models, clarifying the purpose of and relationship between two important types of logic models: theories of change and logical frameworks, or logframes. It provides recommendations for improving your project design, planning for M&E from the start, considering the resources required, and more.

Download META’s accompanying Case Study to see an example of how logic models helped the (fictional) staff of a refugee asset-purchase project ensure that their project was based on sound logic and make sure that they could clearly measure their performance.

Want to learn more?

  • See META’s 7 Steps for Developing Theories of Change, with accompanying Case Study.
  • See META’s Theory of Change and Logical Framework (Logframe) Templates.