

USDA Tip Sheet Rural Housing Service Program

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USDA Rural Housing Service Program: An Available Option for the Afghan Resettlement Program

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides direct financial rental assistance for qualifying tenants under short-term (6-12 months) and long-term (12 months+) housing programs. USDA has determined that many Afghan arrivals, including those who are part of the Afghan Placement and Assistance Program (APA), may qualify for this program. Under the USDA program, rental assistance payments are made by the USDA on behalf of tenants to participating landlords, allowing tenants to pay no more than 30% of household income in rent at the USDA assisted properties. Program participation requirements include certification that a tenant’s income is at or below 80% of the area median income, and successfully meeting landlord tenant selection criteria which may include a background check.

This downloadable tip sheet and interactive dashboard provide more information. Resettlement agencies and their affiliates, as well as state refugee coordinators. may reach out the USDA points of contact listed in the tip sheet to access housing assistance.