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Case Management Fundamentals Series: Trauma-Informed Care in Case Management

Hosted on March 22, 2022, this training was delivered by Tigest Coleman, Training Officer, Strengths-Based Services, Switchboard; Jess Dalpe, Senior Technical Advisor: Safety and Wellness, IRC; and Loan Mai, Technical Advisor, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, IRC.

Do you want to improve your knowledge of case management? Do you want to learn practical ways to support and promote the psychosocial wellbeing of your refugee clients? This is part two of a four-part webinar series on the Fundamentals of Case Management. The series provides a foundational understanding of case management for refugee and immigrant service providers. It presents an introductory body of knowledge, reviews contextual and cultural considerations, and explores best and promising practices in psychosocial support programming.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Define trauma, trauma-informed care, and the building blocks of resilience;
  • Incorporate trauma-informed care principles into case management;
  • Discuss the role of cultural considerations in trauma-informed care; and
  • Define trauma awareness and recognize it through practical examples.