
M&E | Track Resource Download



Supporting Families Resettling in the U.S.

Service providers can help families situate their experiences—both good and bad—into the broader context of their lives. They can also help them acknowledge, discover, and leverage their strengths every step of the way. The resources and activities in this guide are designed to build on families’ resilience by teaching ways to navigate transitions while maintaining a hopeful perspective. The key messages acknowledge the many big feelings that come with significant changes, while reminding families that they have strength, fortitude, and courage.

Resources in this toolkit include multilingual printable guides, video playlists, workshop activities, and storybooks. Themes include:

  • A Welcome from Sesame Street Friends
  • Coping with Big Changes
  • Learning New Things
  • Celebrating Who We Are
  • Coping with the Trauma of Resettling
  • Belonging