

Switchboard Webinar Slides Safety Planning URM

Switchboard Resource List Safety Planning with URM

Webinar Transcript

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Safety Planning with Unaccompanied Refugee Minors

This webinar, hosted on April 15 2021, was delivered by Amy Fleischauer, Director of Survivor Support Services, International Institute of Buffalo, and Tigest Coleman, Strengths-Based Services Training Officer, Switchboard.  This webinar introduced current URM service providers to key approaches, including safety planning, to help identify vulnerable youth and prevent further exploitation.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Identify warning signs for sex and labor trafficking among URMs;
  • Name the components of a strong safety plan;
  • Describe when and how to develop a safety plan with URM clients; and
  • Describe how to partner with community providers with various areas of expertise.