This guide explains the situation of the Rohingya population in Myanmar and offers tips for resettlement workers and mental health providers. The history of the Rohingya people in Burma (Myanmar) dates back to the 15th century. Despite this history in Burma, the Rohingya are not viewed as legal citizens or recognized as one of the 135 official ethnic groups within Burma. The Rohingya primarily live in the Rakhine (Arakan) state, the poorest state in Burma. In 1982, the Burmese government rescinded the Rohingya’s citizenship status, severely limiting their ability to vote, travel, or own property. Although democratic elections were held in 2012, Rohingya have faced increased violence perpetrated by the government since 2012, including mass rape, torture, and killings. Rohingya identity cards were canceled in 2015, further limiting movement, and rendering the Rohingya essentially stateless.