Providing Culturally Sensitive Sexual and Reproductive Health Information for Newcomer Youth

In collaboration with Advocates for Youth and the International Rescue Committee in Atlanta, Switchboard is pleased to share this training open to all refugee service providers, whether working at state agencies, resettlement agencies or affiliates, or other organizations. 

Hosted on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, the training was delivered by Samiha Ross, Client Benefit Assistant at the International Rescue Committee; Karen Torres, peer educator in sexual and reproductive health; and Cynthia Chinchilla Angel, AMAZE International Associate Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at Advocates for Youth.

Newcomers who have recently arrived in the United States and the service providers who support them face many barriers in navigating the complex U.S. healthcare system, especially in the context of sexual and reproductive health. This training will review the sexual and reproductive healthcare needs and rights of newcomer youth. It will also identify resources for providing developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate information for youth and their communities. The insights and resources provided by this webinar will help you build upon newcomers’ strengths to support them in accessing the sexual and reproductive healthcare information and services they need. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions of a panel composed of qualified experts on this topic.  

After participating in this 90-minute session, you will be able to: 

  • Describe sexual and reproductive health needs of newcomer youth  
  • Recognize common barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare among newcomer youth 
  • Identify culturally and linguistically appropriate resources for providing information and support to newcomer youth on topics related to sexual and reproductive health and rights