

Webinar Slides Faith Based Healing Among Afghans

Switchboard Transcript Faith Based Healing Among Afghans Panel Discussion

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Panel Discussion on Faith-Based Healing and Coping Practices Among Afghan Muslims

This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at Hosted on Thursday, March 30, 2023, the training was delivered by Dr. Omar Reda, Dr. Sedique Popal, Dr. Jacob Bentley, Madina Masumi, and Aelya Salman.

Connecting to faith, spirituality, and sacred spaces may be an important factor for Afghan newcomers settling into communities across the country. Faith-based supports can decrease social isolation, create a sense of belonging, and help newcomers heal from trauma. This panel discussion will explore how faith-based practices can help Afghan Muslims cope with the impacts of trauma and resettlement stressors, as well as support their transitions into their new communities. Examples of specific community-based programs and faith-based interventions will be provided. Conceptualizations of mental health and distress among Afghans will also be discussed. Switchboard’s recently published information guide Faith-based Healing among Afghan Muslims will be highlighted as a tool service providers can utilize when working with clients.

After this panel discussion, participants will be able to:
– Recognize how spirituality and faith-based practices can help Afghan Muslims cope with traumatic and challenging experiences
– Describe faith-based community programs and interventions for Muslim newcomers