

Cost Effectiveness Housing Assessment Template

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Newcomer Housing Funding Strategies – Cost Effectiveness Housing Assessment Template

To best serve their clients, service providers should seek to maximize the effectiveness of their programming within budgetary constraints.

This template, designed for resettlement coordinators, housing specialists, case managers, program directors, and policy analysts within refugee service providers, aims to guide you through analyzing the cost-effectiveness of your housing program and generate recommendations for further programming going forward.

This template provides a structured approach to assessing the cost-effectiveness of a housing program, balancing both quantitative and qualitative benefits against the associated costs.

The first portion of this document will provide questions and prompts that, when answered with your program’s specifics in mind, will help generate a clear assessment of cost-effectiveness in your housing programming. The second section provides an example of a completed cost-effectiveness assessment, for a sample program that aims to house 500 families over three years.
To complete your assessment, you will be asked to outline the following:

This template accompanies, the following toolkit: Newcomer Housing Funding Strategies Toolkit