“Bridging Borders” is a storytelling AI-project that facilitates real-time conversations with Afghan Hazara individuals displaced after the fall of Kabul. It utilizes a novel, co-created AI narrative neural network that facilitates discussions with a digital likeness of newcomers.
The Resilient Visions Collaboratory (RV CoLab) is a research group at Arizona State University (ASU), focused on emerging technologies and physical practices that aid in the health of communities, the environment, and individuals. This Keynote is presented by Nicholas Pilarski, Associate Professor and co-director of the RV CoLab, Mina Mushtaq, a Hazara bridge builder, pursuing a master’s degree in public affairs/emergency management at Arizona State University (ASU), and Johanna Richards, Assistant Director for Community and Public Engagement and Master’s in Futures and Design candidate at the ASU MIX Center.
This keynote is part of Confluence: Bridging the Gap between Technology and Resettlement. Switchboard and the University of Utah proudly present an engaging event at the University of Utah Marriott Library and campus in Salt Lake City, Utah. This convening aims to provide participants with valuable insights into co-creation design methodology, innovative approaches to virtual case management using Artificial Intelligence, and ideas for developing cross-industry partnerships to create sustainable, innovative solutions that improve outcomes for newcomers. The event fosters engagement and collaboration among partners and other refugee service providers, integrating cutting-edge technology to support future growth.