Case Management Fundamentals Series: Balancing the Demanding Needs of Case Management

Hosted on April 19, 2022, this training was delivered by Tigest Coleman, Training Officer, Strengths-Based Services, Switchboard, Kristen Guskovict, Founder, HEART of Aid Work. This is part four of a four-part webinar series on the Fundamentals of Case Management. The series provides a foundational understanding of case management for refugee and immigrant service providers. It presents an introductory body of knowledge, reviews contextual and cultural considerations, and explores best and promising practices in psychosocial support programming.

Do you want to improve your work-life balance while maintaining a high level of support for clients? This webinar shared techniques for organizational resiliency, staff care, and managing occupational hazards such as burnout and vicarious trauma.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Define the occupational hazards such as burnout, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue;
  • Recognize your current stress level;
  • Create a personal self-care plan; and
  • Describe the intersectionality between boundaries and occupational hazards; and organizational resilience and self-care.