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A Roundtable Discussion About Navigating Challenges in Afghan Asylum Cases

Hosted on August 21, 2024 the training was delivered by Ashley DiGiore, a program manager and accredited representative with VECINA’s Switchboard partnership and Michelle Morales, a contract mentoring attorney with VECINA’s Switchboard partnership.

This virtual roundtable will feature a conversation among legal representatives who have represented Afghan asylum seekers. ​These experts will address three common challenges that sometimes arise during the affirmative asylum process: ​They will explain what a sworn statement is and what it could mean for a client’s case. ​They will discuss ​​​reasons ​why an applicant may be ​scheduled for a second interview and​ share practical tips on how to​ prepare them for it.​ ​​They will also offer​ best practices for writing an effective response to a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID). You will​ ​have the opportunity to actively participate by asking questions of the panel of experts.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
– Explain what a sworn statement during an affirmative asylum interview is​​​​
– Identify reasons why a client might be called in for a second interview ​​
– W​rite an effective response to a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID)