Resource Topic: Domestic Violence

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This informational guide provides information about gender-based violence (GBV), domestic violence (DV), and intimate partner violence (IPV), how to identify these forms of violence, how to provide basic support to survivors without doing further harm, and available resources for survivors. The goal of this informational guide is to provide basic information and resources on how…

This flyer, produced by the International Rescue Committee, describes important laws and rights that apply to everyone who lives and works in the United States. These include U.S. laws surrounding violence and exploitation, discrimination, and child abuse and neglect. The flyer also shares information about civil rights and the right to work. This flyer is…


A variety of interventions may be effective in preventing or responding to intimate partner violence (IPV) among refugees. Strong evidence supports the effectiveness of IPV prevention and response interventions that: consider the unique contexts of refugees and immigrants, engage with community members, and are tailored according to participants’ lived experiences, needs, and abilities. There is…


Hosted on July 29, 2020, this webinar was hosted by Reema Sharma, Manager of Outreach and Community Education, Womankind; and Shan Huang, Associate Director of Residential Programs, Womankind. This recording was edited for publication. Following on Switchboard’s recent introductory webinar, this training focuses on the specifics of safety planning. It will emphasize the importance of creating…


Safety planning is an essential tool when working with survivors of violence. This guide shares tips and examples demonstrating how to develop a safety plan with refugees who have experienced gender-based violence.

Children who are exposed to intimate partner violence suffer. In fact, “mother treated violently” is one of the ten Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) known to impact children’s health into adulthood. This webinar discussed the overlaps between children who witness intimate partner violence (IPV) and children who grow up in refugee families, as well as culture…

This six part video series from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) covers a variety of health topics specifically for Congolese refugees and it is narrated in Kiswahili. The series includes: Introduction to Healthcare in the U.S. explains the role of healthcare providers, preventive care, and health insurance. Your Body Before, During and After Pregnancy…