Resource Topic: Advocacy

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This year commemorates the 23rd anniversary of World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20. It is a pivotal moment to spotlight the challenges faced by millions worldwide who have been displaced due to persecution, conflict, and violence. Through events organized by refugee communities and supporting organizations, we can draw attention to the struggles of…


Hosted on May 13th, 2024 the training was delivered by Lillie Hinkle, Associate Policy Analyst with the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy; Barbara Day, consultant to national and state refugee resettlement programs; ​Meg Sagaria-Barritt, the Integration Partnerships Coordinator for the Colorado Refugee Services Program (CRSP); and, Sean Kirkpatrick, Coordinator of…


This short video, developed by Framework, examines the value of centering a person’s humanity as service-providers work to support survivors of labor trafficking. Inspired by conversations with anti-trafficking activist Moninda Maruba, the video explores ways to incorporate love into our practice, focus on building resilience, and establish rapport and trust between survivors and service providers.


In this short video, Cari Herthel and Kwami Adoboe-Herrera discuss their communities and the role they play on their journey toward healing. Watch the second video in this two-part series where survivors share that they are “Unstoppable” and talk about what gives them strength. These videos were developed by Framework.


In this short video, survivors discuss what gave them strength on their journey and what they hope you will take away in your work. Click here to view the first video in this series where survivors share the power of community and the need for “Better, Deeper Listening.” These videos were developed by Framework.


This is the recruitment and labor trafficking experience of Jin. In this case study, a young woman is exploited in the restaurant industry. Use this case study activity to practice naming possible vulnerabilities, red flags, and education opportunities. Increasing awareness of these areas helps providers better identify and serve labor trafficking—including by empowering clients with…

As refugee service providers prepare for an increase in arrivals, it is important to reactivate public-sector relationships and explore concrete partnerships to help meet your goals for refugee inclusion. This guide describes strategies for meaningfully re-engaging public-sector stakeholders, whether you are looking to collaborate with public schools, public health departments, or other public actors. This…


This is the recruitment experience of Jared. In this case study, a trusted family member exploits his mentorship position and Jared’s need for stability and belonging. Use this case study activity to practice naming possible vulnerabilities to human trafficking recruitment. Increasing awareness of these vulnerabilities helps providers better identify and serve labor trafficking—including by empowering…


This is the recruitment experience of Ximena. In this case study, a trafficker targets a young woman’s financial need and dedication to her family. Use this case study activity to practice naming possible identifiers of human trafficking recruitment. Increasing awareness of these red flags helps providers better identify and serve labor trafficking—including by empowering clients…


This is the trafficking experience of Crystal. In this case study, a provider recognizes indicators of labor trafficking. He then seeks to gain an understanding of the situation while prioritizing the client’s needs. Use this activity to practice naming red flags and techniques in provider response such as validation, open-ended questions, monitoring body language, reflective…