Resource Topic: Using Data and Evidence

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Data visualization is the process of presenting information using visuals such as plots, charts, and diagrams. The goal of data visualization is to help your audience understand the main message of your data without introducing additional clutter. In many cases, easy-to-read forms of visualization, such as bar and pie charts, are sufficient to present your…

​​Hosted on September 5, 2024, the training was delivered by Lillie Hinkle, an Associate Policy Analyst with the Migration Policy Institute’s (MPI’s) National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy; Julie Sugarman, Associate Director for K–12 Education Research at MPI’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy; and Rob Callus, Switchboard Training Officer. The U.S. federal government requires…


Communicating program data to stakeholders in your community is an important skill that can help to both highlight your program’s success and build impactful partnerships. Going into this process, it is important to understand the concept of a stakeholder as well as which stakeholders are most relevant to your project.   Identifying Stakeholders A stakeholder is…


Using empirical evidence to inform project design can help practitioners in the refugee resettlement space maximize our projects’ benefits, while minimizing unintended harm. This webinar will cover how to use evidence to inform project design, in addition to some key M&E-related terms. Participants will also learn about two important logic models: theories of change and…


As resettlement service providers, we’re quick to notice when something is working well and when it isn’t. That’s because a key priority is serving clients as smoothly as possible. However, when faced with the challenge of gauging the effectiveness of a program, advocating for funding, or implementing a new intervention, discovering what works best takes…


Many resettlement agencies want to design and deliver more evidence-based services, but providers often struggle with putting available evidence into action. Guidance from the field of implementation science can help address this challenge.What is Implementation Science?Implementation science researches methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices into routine service delivery. Implementation science is…


In recent years, more and more refugee service providers have begun using evidence to inform their work. Evidence-based practices are easier to find due to increases in research, open-access publications, evidence summaries, and training. However, service providers may struggle with putting the available evidence into action. This is where implementation science can provide guidance. This…


Are you a refugee service provider looking to conduct data analysis to gain better insights into your program(s)? Whether you are exporting data from a centralized database, working from a spreadsheet or data tracker, or analyzing survey results, you will first need to carefully prepare your data before proceeding. Good data preparation limits data errors…


This blog post is part of a series on engaging with your local community to build support for refugee resettlement. See our previous posts on Sharing Refugee Stories to Build Community Support and Using Data to Tell Program Stories…Without Putting Your Audience to Sleep. Wondering whether your program data has potential for community engagement? Unsure…


This blog post is part of a series on engaging with your local community to build support for refugee resettlement. See our previous post on Sharing Refugee Stories to Build Community Support and stay tuned for a forthcoming post on How States and Other Refugee Service Providers are Using Infographics to Engage Communities. Many of…