Resource Topic: Data Quality

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In 2020, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) launched a training and peer learning program to strengthen capacities of its subrecipients to collect and use data to measure results, guide program improvements, and inform overall decision making. This program delivers training that is practical and accessible for subrecipients and accounts for diversity across subrecipient capacity, characteristics, programming,…


This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at Hosted on October 6, 2023 the training was delivered by Robert Reynoso, Qualitative Data Officer at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Adedoyin Celia Ojo, Client Engagement Program Officer at the IRC.…


Are you a refugee service provider looking to conduct data analysis to gain better insights into your program(s)? Whether you are exporting data from a centralized database, working from a spreadsheet or data tracker, or analyzing survey results, you will first need to carefully prepare your data before proceeding. Good data preparation limits data errors…


Data-informed decision making is a guiding principle for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and the programs it supports. But what is involved in making data-informed decisions and implementing data-driven programs? This info guide explains the importance of data-driven programs, how to set a learning agenda for collecting purposeful data, and how to develop a…


A lot of terminology can be associated with monitoring and evaluation, and vocabulary definitions can vary widely. Some terms seem to have overlapping definitions–for instance, in the different ways logic models, theories of change and logical frameworks (logframes) can be defined. You can use this glossary to clear up confusion and be sure you understand…

This blog post was written by the Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance (META) Project and is included as an archived post on the Switchboard blog. Transitioning to a new database can be a challenging process! While we know that every organization has staff with differing capacities and system roles, here are some general practices to…

Watch an animated excerpt of the META Podcast on data quality in refugee case management programs! Learn about common challenges and hear helpful tips for data quality improvement from Abigail Clarke-Sayer and Prospero Herrera of the IRC as well as Jennifer Malloy of the Washington State Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance.

Developing and following SOPs can help make data quality assurance part of your culture and routine practices. SOPs can improve your data not just through having a consistent framework for resolving problems that may arise, but also by building staff confidence and dedication to quality data. This document provides sample SOPs in the context of a case…

This webinar offered four practical strategies for improving data quality in refugee case management programs. Data experts from the IRC and Church World Service discussed why data quality is so important, demonstrated time-saving tips and tricks in Excel, and shared the real-world implications of quality data. META was joined by Mia Witte, Associate Director for…

We all collect a range of data for our refugee case management programs. We use data to determine and document client eligibility, to ensure the quality and timeliness of services, to track program progress and outcomes, and to inform decision making.  These resources will help you ensure that the data collected as part of case management is…