Resource Topic: Data Collection

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M&E planning never takes place in a vacuum. Service providers often find themselves navigating the competing demands of multiple grants or funders; integrating new M&E requirements into preexisting programs; and trying to collect additional data for learning and program improvement. Developing an M&E plan in this situation can feel like you have many puzzle pieces…

In 2020, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) launched a training and peer learning program to strengthen capacities of its subrecipients to collect and use data to measure results, guide program improvements, and inform overall decision making. This program delivers training that is practical and accessible for subrecipients and accounts for diversity across subrecipient capacity, characteristics, programming,…


This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at Hosted on October 6, 2023 the training was delivered by Robert Reynoso, Qualitative Data Officer at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Adedoyin Celia Ojo, Client Engagement Program Officer at the IRC.…


Hosted on July 27, 2023, the training was delivered by Dr. Mary Bunn, PhD, LCSW; Ramsha Sohail, MPhil; and, Dr. Karin Wachter, PhD, MEd. A rapid community assessment (RCA) is an approach for understanding the needs and problems within a given community in a short period of time. RCAs help collect community insights and views…


For newcomer families to succeed in the U.S., it is critical to look beyond economic self-sufficiency to other elements of family wellbeing. In October 2021, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) issued new Family Self-Sufficiency Plan requirements for those receiving employment-related Refugee Support Services (RSS). This new guidance requires, a “whole-family approach” to addressing barriers…

This toolkit provides links and information about a variety of tools including checklists, inventories, questionnaires, and reports to address issues that refugee children and families face. Domains referenced include anxiety, attachment, cognition, conduct problems, depression, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, mood, parenting stress, physical health, psychosocial functioning, quality of life, relationships, resettlement stressors, resilience, substance use,…


This blog post was written by Jessica Shakesprere and Ian Hecker of the Urban Institute. It accompanies a new toolkit developed by the Urban Institute as part of the Switchboard program: Data-Driven State Refugee Programs: Lessons from the field on managing, analyzing, and using data to improve refugee programs.  Many states that welcome refugees lack…


Data-informed decision making is a guiding principle for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and the programs it supports. But what is involved in making data-informed decisions and implementing data-driven programs? This info guide explains the importance of data-driven programs, how to set a learning agenda for collecting purposeful data, and how to develop a…


Collecting appropriate client feedback data can influence organizational decision-making and enhance the quality of our programs. It can also help contribute to a culture of client responsiveness. This info guide discusses the importance of client consent in data collection and covers six key questions to ask yourself when choosing appropriate methods for collecting client feedback.


A lot of terminology can be associated with monitoring and evaluation, and vocabulary definitions can vary widely. Some terms seem to have overlapping definitions–for instance, in the different ways logic models, theories of change and logical frameworks (logframes) can be defined. You can use this glossary to clear up confusion and be sure you understand…