Resource Topic: Monitoring and Evaluation

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M&E planning never takes place in a vacuum. Service providers often find themselves navigating the competing demands of multiple grants or funders; integrating new M&E requirements into preexisting programs; and trying to collect additional data for learning and program improvement. Developing an M&E plan in this situation can feel like you have many puzzle pieces…


For providers to deliver the best possible services to newcomers, they must be able to measure the success of past and ongoing projects—with a basis in concrete, rigorous data. This blog post, written by Switchboard’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team, will introduce you to some best practices for measuring success: developing a theory of change,…

​​Hosted on September 5, 2024, the training was delivered by Lillie Hinkle, an Associate Policy Analyst with the Migration Policy Institute’s (MPI’s) National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy; Julie Sugarman, Associate Director for K–12 Education Research at MPI’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy; and Rob Callus, Switchboard Training Officer. The U.S. federal government requires…


The primary goal of all projects serving newcomers is to impact their lives positively. To achieve this goal, projects must provide services shown to have positive changes.  Integrating evidence-based practices early in a project’s cycle can help increase the measurable impacts of programming. This blog post explains the importance of evidence-based projects in the resettlement…


Communicating program data to stakeholders in your community is an important skill that can help to both highlight your program’s success and build impactful partnerships. Going into this process, it is important to understand the concept of a stakeholder as well as which stakeholders are most relevant to your project.   Identifying Stakeholders A stakeholder is…

In 2020, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) launched a training and peer learning program to strengthen capacities of its subrecipients to collect and use data to measure results, guide program improvements, and inform overall decision making. This program delivers training that is practical and accessible for subrecipients and accounts for diversity across subrecipient capacity, characteristics, programming,…


Using empirical evidence to inform project design can help practitioners in the refugee resettlement space maximize our projects’ benefits, while minimizing unintended harm. This webinar will cover how to use evidence to inform project design, in addition to some key M&E-related terms. Participants will also learn about two important logic models: theories of change and…


This course is for relevant for anyone whose role includes M&E, program design, proposal development, or program management, or any staff interested in growing their understanding of M&E. After completing this course, you will be able to:  Use key terms related to monitoring, evaluation, and project design Explain why it is important to use evidence…


This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at Hosted on October 6, 2023 the training was delivered by Robert Reynoso, Qualitative Data Officer at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Adedoyin Celia Ojo, Client Engagement Program Officer at the IRC.…


Hosted on July 27, 2023, the training was delivered by Dr. Mary Bunn, PhD, LCSW; Ramsha Sohail, MPhil; and, Dr. Karin Wachter, PhD, MEd. A rapid community assessment (RCA) is an approach for understanding the needs and problems within a given community in a short period of time. RCAs help collect community insights and views…