This video covers how legal service providers (LSPs) may support their Afghan arrival clients to prepare for the re-parole process. This will include setting up an online account with myUSCIS for each family member and navigating common issues.
This video covers how legal service providers (LSPs) may support their Afghan arrival clients to prepare for the re-parole process. This will include setting up an online account with myUSCIS for each family member and navigating common issues.
This video builds on the information presented in the webinar Part 1 where ILSAA provided an overview of the re-parole process and how to get ready to engage in it with your Afghan arrival clients. In Part 2, ILSAA addresses how to implement the process, including how the re-parole process is going and the actuality…
This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at Hosted on July 19, 2023 the training was delivered by Ashley Digiore, contract accredited representative with VECINA’s Switchboard partnership; Michelle Morales, contract mentoring attorney with VECINA’s Switchboard partnership; and, Kristen Nilsen, contract…
This course is for volunteers assisting Afghan asylum applicants with preparing for their asylum interviews. This assistance is critical to helping Afghan parolees succeed in their asylum claims. The course will train both attorney and non-attorney volunteers to prepare Afghan asylum seekers for their interviews.
This course is intended for use only by attorneys, accredited representatives, and those assisting attorneys and accredited representatives. In this course, you will learn everything from the legal basis for asylum, to what to file in an affirmative application, to how to prepare a client for the asylum interview.
This short introductory course is intended for attorneys and accredited representatives interested in handling an Afghan affirmative asylum case pro bono through the Welcome Legal Alliance.
The IRC recently launched the Virtual Resettlement Line (VRL), combining the success of both the virtual APA (VAPA) program and the Uniting for Ukraine Support Line (U4USL). VRL launched on April 3, 2023, and is a one-stop resource for any prospective clients who are not yet connected to a resettlement agency or who are struggling…
This video resource, created by Migration and Refugee Services, provides information on eligibility requirements for Temporary Protected Status.
This video resource, created by Migration and Refugee Services, presents a step-by-step process for applying for Temporary Protected Status.
This fact sheet, created by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, provides insight to the benefits that Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees are eligible for.