Resource Topic: Tuberculosis

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Everyone two years of age or older must get screened for TB, including a TB blood test, and complete the TB screening attestation as part of the Uniting for Ukraine program. This dual-language fact sheet provides information for arrivals and their sponsors on the TB screening and attestation requirements of the Uniting for Ukraine program.

Health departments, public health partners, and groups working with arrivals from Ukraine and their sponsors can use this sample newsletter and text message content to increase awareness about the tuberculosis (TB) screening requirements as part of the Uniting for Ukraine program. These resources are available in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.


This two-page Cultural Quick Reference Guide for Afghanistan supports the provider-client relationship by giving country-specific information on cultural norms, health practices, and courtesies to observe to enhance communication. Languages and literacy, personal greetings, naming conventions, and non-verbal signals are included. Facts about tuberculosis (TB) in country with details on stigma, traditional beliefs and remedies used…



This 5-minute video describes one man’s story of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) including how TB is transmitted, the symptoms and treatment, as well as working health professionals and public health to identify others who may have been exposed. This video addresses the importance of getting treated for tuberculosis and being healthy to protect family, friends…



This poster describes symptoms of tuberculosis (TB), including shortness of breath, chills, cough, chest pain, fever, fatigue, weight loss, no appetite, night sweats, and coughing up blood. It instructs service providers to refer clients with symptoms lasting more than two to three weeks to a medical provider immediately. It also notes that clients with infections…

This editable template provides information about following a TB treatment regimen and makes suggestions to improve treatment adherence. The healthcare provider can fill in details about the next doctor’s appointment. A checklist is also included to encourage patients to take their TB medication at a consistent time, using reminders, and getting support from others.

This editable template provides instructions for taking TB medications. The healthcare provider can fill in details about the medication schedule, dosage, and contact information. The template also includes instructions to stop taking TB medicine and call your doctor right away if you don’t feel normal.



This illustrated poster offers information to individuals who test positive for latent TB infection and stresses the importance of taking medicine for TB infection. It also explains that TB infection can turn into TB disease, and that people who become sick with TB disease may experience symptoms such as fever, losing weight, coughing, feeling tired,…



This illustrated poster introduces the concept of having latent tuberculosis (TB) infection and still feeling healthy. It also explains that your doctor can test you for TB infection and that if you have TB infection, your doctor can give you medicine.



This fact sheet gives general information about active tuberculosis (TB) disease including symptoms, complications, tests, and treatment.