Resource Topic: Child Wellbeing

Refine Results



This poster, developed by Switchboard and the Urban Institute, highlights the underutilization of publicly funded early childhood services by children in refugee and immigrant families. It systematically reviews factors and strategies to improve access and enrollment in programs such as child care, Head Start, early intervention, and home visiting. By addressing these issues, the poster…


This information guide, presented by Switchboard, defines and summarizes risk factors and indicators of child abuse, exploitation, and trafficking, both for general populations and specifically for newcomer children and youth.The guide also describes how newcomer service providers can supporting clients who are children or youth potentially facing these issues.


Hosted on ​​Thursday, April 18, 2024, the training was delivered by Maya Wahrman, MSW, LSW, is a Switchboard Training Officer. Many refugee service providers are mandated reporters—they are required to report when they have a reasonable belief or know that a child or vulnerable adult has been abused, neglected, exploited, or abandoned. Yet some service providers…


Bullying is a pervasive issue in schools, affecting millions of children worldwide. Refugee students, already vulnerable due to displacement and trauma, face heightened risks of bullying. This guide aims to help community-based organizations, school staff, and resettlement agencies recognize bullying, understand why refugee populations are more vulnerable, and provide effective prevention and response strategies.


There is strong evidence that therapeutic strategies grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) reduce mental health symptoms among unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs). ▪ Three systematic reviews, three scoping reviews, and five suggestive studies highlight the reduction of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related symptoms and other forms of mental health distress when interventions are grounded…


Refugee service providers play important roles in supporting newcomer clients’ safety and wellness. This includes being knowledgeable about mandatory reporting of abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults. This information guide explains what mandatory reporting entails—providing guidelines on who is considered a mandated reporter and how to make a mandated report. Because bias, cultural…


Hosted on February 26, 2024, the training was delivered by Dr. Elizabeth Dawson-Hahn, MD, MPH, an Attending Physician at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Children represent approximately 40% of all refugees globally, and about 10–15% of refugee children have significant medical conditions. Resettlement best practices for supporting children across the migration continuum—while the child is…

These vaccination schedules, created by the Multilingual Health Education Alliance (M-HEAL) in collaboration with the Afghan Working Group and NRC-RIM, provide parents with a resource to track their child’s vaccinations. There are two available schedules for ages 0-6 and 7-18. This resource is a part of a toolkit that can be found here.

This brochure, created by the Multilingual Health Education Alliance (M-HEAL) in collaboration with the Afghan Working Group and NRC-RIM, provides valuable information on vaccines for parents. It also includes a checklist for parents to track their children’s vaccinations. This resource is a part of a toolkit that can be found here.

This informational guide provides information about gender-based violence (GBV), domestic violence (DV), and intimate partner violence (IPV), how to identify these forms of violence, how to provide basic support to survivors without doing further harm, and available resources for survivors. The goal of this informational guide is to provide basic information and resources on how…