Published By: Seattle Office of Emergency Management

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This tool is designed to help individuals create a family safety plan in the event of a big disaster.  It includes sections to note down important phone numbers for friends, immediate family, and out-of-area contacts; medical information including physicians, pharmacies, health insurance, and medications; and public safety locations including fire and police stations, medical facilities,…

This multilingual resource, developed by the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, can be shared with clients to support with emergency preparedness. This tip sheet pertains to safety measures during an earthquake. It can be found in the following languages: Amharic Burmese Cambodian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Hindi Japanese Korean Laotian Oromo Russian Somali Spanish Swahili…

This multilingual resource, developed by the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, can be shared with clients to support with emergency preparedness. This tip sheet provides information on out of area contacts. It can be found in the following languages: Amharic Burmese Cambodian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Hindi Japanese Korean Laotian Oromo Russian Somali Spanish Swahili…

This multilingual resource, developed by the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, can be shared with clients to support with emergency preparedness. This tip sheet provides information on how to store emergency water. It can be found in the following languages: Amharic Burmese Cambodian Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Hindi Japanese Korean Laotian Oromo Russian Somali Spanish…

This multilingual resource, developed by the Seattle Office of Emergency Management, can be shared with clients to support with emergency preparedness. It covers the following information regarding carbon monoxide safety during a power outage: If you do not have electricity, prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. ONLY use a generator outside and away from open windows and…