Published By: Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center (RHTAC)

Refine Results




This video, produced by the Refugee Health  Technical Assistance Center (RHTAC) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), introduces refugees to the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and the Health Insurance Marketplace. The video was developed in collaboration with the refugee community and features refugee narrators, refugee speakers, and health care providers. It is available in…

Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center (RHTAC) created the Refugee Suicide Prevention Training Toolkit and poster in response to reports of suicides among resettled Bhutanese refugees. The poster is designed to raise awareness about suicide in refugee communities and encourage gatekeepers to help refugees in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. It is designed to be printed…

This educational webinar provided Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) trainers with background information on the refugee migration process and resettlement in the U.S.  The webinar also included a Train-the-Trainer session on facilitating an adapted QPR classroom presentation designed for refugee gatekeepers. “Gatekeepers” are individuals who come into regular contact with and are respected and trusted by…

The Refugee Suicide Prevention Training Toolkit is designed to provide resources for Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) instructors who are interested in training refugee gatekeepers. After a review of available gatekeeper trainings, the QPR model was selected based on its potential for nationwide dissemination and adaptation. Bhutanese community members were integral in adapting the QPR model…

The Refugee Suicide Prevention Training Toolkit is designed to provide resources for Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) instructors who are interested in training refugee gatekeepers. After a review of available gatekeeper trainings, the QPR model was selected based on its potential for nationwide dissemination and adaptation. Bhutanese community members were integral in adapting the QPR model…