Published By: Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)

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These handouts, created by the Center for Victims of Torture, cover a variety of topics regarding self-care and wellness for service providers, including health care providers. These are intended for the service provider to use in their own practice. The handouts cover the following topics: Better Sleep Boundaries Breathing Intentional Avoidance and Focus Grounding Techniques…

These handouts, created by the Center for Victims of Torture, cover a variety of topics regarding self-care and wellness for service providers, including health care providers. These are intended for the service provider to use in their own practice. The handouts cover the following topics: Burnout Compassion Fatigue Compassion Satisfaction Moral Distress Perceived Support Secondary…

Description: Survivors of torture have endured multiple and often catastrophic losses – loved ones, home, identity, culture. Some of these may be understood as Ambiguous Losses – a loss that occurs without closure or clear understanding.   According to Dr. Pauline Boss, “Human relationships are ruptured indefinitely by ambiguous loss, causing trauma and frozen grief. While…

Torture treatment programs face unique fundraising challenges and opportunities in these competitive times.  In this webinar, the perspectives of two organizations are shared – one a stand-alone program, and one that is embedded within a larger organization – about how torture treatment programs can meet challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the current fundraising…

This webinar presents a brief overview of the history and science of empathy.  The discovery of the biological basis of empathy “the mirror neurons” is discussed. A new model of empathic reflection for daily practice in the clinical setting called the Wheel of Empathy is presented. Overcoming major barriers to achieving empathic therapist-patient/client clinical relationships…

In this webinar series, Dr. Richard Mollica of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma introduces the H.E.A.R.T. model of care in working with survivors of torture. Dr. Mollica describes the H.E.A.R.T. model and how the concepts contained in it may provide a different way of thinking about therapy with survivors of torture. This resource is…

This is a Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)-produced toolkit focusing specifically on improving health care interventions for refugees in the primary care setting in the United States. It was developed based on CVT’s 35 years of providing care to torture and war trauma survivors in Minnesota and 5 years of exporting that care to…

This webinar examined ethical and professional practice issues related to the electronic evolution in methods of communication.  Use of internet searches on clients, communication via texting, the use of blogs and help sites, friending on social media sites, were discussed along with things which may require the development of program policies and/or standards. Objectives: After…

In the first session of this two-part webinar, presenters examined organizational sustainability through three essential factors: financial stability, partnership development, and staff retention. Participants had the opportunity to identify and explore strategies and practices in each of these areas that can help them develop more sustainable, healthy, vibrant organizations. In the second session, presenters shared…

In this webinar, presenters described their experiences developing programs that were started and led by survivors. They also discussed how their own past experiences and resilience informs the work they do. The webinar described how integrating survivors into a program’s work can incorporate their voices, support them as experts in their own experiences, and assist…