Population: Victims of Trafficking/T-Visa/U-Visa

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Human trafficking, often referred to as modern-day slavery, entails the exploitation of a person for commercial sex or labor through methods that include force, fraud or coercion. Many of those human trafficking survivors who are identified have experienced significant physical, sexual, emotional, social or economic abuse at the hands of their traffickers. Professionals who work…


This short video, developed by Framework, examines the value of centering a person’s humanity as service-providers work to support survivors of labor trafficking. Inspired by conversations with anti-trafficking activist Moninda Maruba, the video explores ways to incorporate love into our practice, focus on building resilience, and establish rapport and trust between survivors and service providers.


The Preferred Communities (PC) program provides intensive case management services to refugees and ORR-eligible populations with special needs within five years of arrival to the U.S. Intensive case management (ICM) staff support recipients in the areas of long-term case management, health and medical interventions, mental health interventions, and social adjustment services, among others.  This Intensive…


Refugees and newcomers are survivors of violence, persecution, and other complex situations that arise before and during resettlement. After long and dangerous migration journeys, many newcomers believe they are finally safe when they arrive in their new communities. However, life in the U.S. is not always free from peril and discrimination. Refugee and newcomer clients…


Refugees and newcomers are survivors of violence, persecution, and other complex situations that arise before and during resettlement. Refugee and newcomer clients may, at times, be exposed to sexual and gender-based violence. This blog post shares service provider resources on these topics, which can be used for adult and youth clients. For resources on protection…

CARRE, Framework and the IRC Anti-Trafficking Technical Advisors developed several client and provider facing resources to help combat child labor trafficking. These resources include a one-page child and youth-facing information sheet, as well as a customizable PowerPoint and accompanying facilitator’s guide for staff wanting to raise awareness about labor trafficking and child labor trafficking within…


Hosted on August 1st, 2023, the training was delivered by former Medical Director of the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, Dr. Jordan Greenbaum, MD, and Switchboard Training Officer, Megan Rafferty. Switchboard is pleased to announce a series of three webinars exploring the impact of traumatic stress on children and youth who have experienced…

The Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee and Parole Program was established in 2014. The hybrid program allows certain young people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to safely immigrate to the United States to reunite with a parent or legal guardian who resides in the United States. This advisory gives an overview of the CAM…


Child labor trafficking is an important area of concern for service providers who support Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URMs). Due to their unique circumstances, children and youth enrolled in the URM program may be at increased risk for labor trafficking. URM agencies are community-based service providers with connections to child welfare, law enforcement, local schools, and…

This resource was developed by the Office on Trafficking in Persons, an office of the Administration for Families and Children. This resource is intended to raise awareness of human trafficking among individuals from Ukraine in the United States. It is a pocket card for use with newcomers who are in need of more information. It…