Population: Ukrainian Newcomers

Refine Results



This blog post offers practical guidance on supporting Ukrainian newcomers in accessing culturally appropriate food in the United States. It covers topics such as familiar foods, grocery shopping, and finding ingredients for traditional Ukrainian dishes. You will gain an understanding of how to assist Ukrainian newcomers in maintaining their culinary traditions while adapting to their…


Many service providers have questions about federal benefits eligibility for Ukrainian and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees who have arrived in the U.S. in recent months. Most Ukrainians and Afghans who receive humanitarian parole in the US on or after October 1, 2023 are not eligible for federal benefits, including Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) benefits. This…

This guide was developed by OPORA and the International Rescue Committee. It is available in English and Ukrainian. This guide covers the fundamental aspects of mental health and well-being. Each discussed topic combines theoretical and practical knowledge that can be used to manage one’s own well-being and mental health. It is intended to support Ukrainians…



Everyone two years of age or older must get screened for TB, including a TB blood test, and complete the TB screening attestation as part of the Uniting for Ukraine program. This dual-language fact sheet provides information for arrivals and their sponsors on the TB screening and attestation requirements of the Uniting for Ukraine program.

Health departments, public health partners, and groups working with arrivals from Ukraine and their sponsors can use this sample newsletter and text message content to increase awareness about the tuberculosis (TB) screening requirements as part of the Uniting for Ukraine program. These resources are available in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.


This webinar is presented by Switchboard, a one-stop shop for refugee service providers in the United States. Learn more about Switchboard at www.SwitchboardTA.org. Hosted on June 28, 2023, the training was delivered by Regan Hill, Senior Community Orientation Coordinator for the Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange (CORE); Oleksandr Kostenko, one of the contributors to the CORE…



As the challenges of finding safe, affordable housing for newcomers arriving in the United States have grown during the past few years, so too have the number and variety of housing innovations. Neighbors, friends, faith groups, towns, and cities have come together in inspiring and innovative ways to ideate, plan, fundraise, and create housing for…


On June 23, 2022, Upwardly Global welcomed partners at Fragomen, the premiere law firm providing exclusively immigration services, for a special presentation on legal pathways for Ukrainian newcomers in the U.S. The presentation orients employers to the relevant information needed to hire Ukrainians in the U.S., including further detail on the Uniting for Ukraine (U4U)…

Are you a service provider beginning to connect with sponsors for Ukrainian newcomers? Are you fielding questions about affordable housing for this population? This blog post is for you! Developed in partnership with Refugee Housing Solutions, this post describes how Ukrainians arrive in the U.S. and provides housing tips to share with sponsors for these…


Determining whether a potential client is eligible for Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-funded services can sometimes be a challenge. This blog post gathers some key resources for service providers who are new to the work of navigating ORR eligibility requirements and documentation.Federal ResourcesClients with many different immigration statuses are eligible to participate in services from…