Language: Swahili

Refine Results




This resource provides essential safety tips and guidance for refugees and resettlement agencies during U.S. presidential election seasons, when public interest in these communities may increase. It covers how to handle interview or photo requests, manage harassing calls or messages, protect personal information, and enhance personal and home security. The guide also emphasizes contacting a…


In this fact sheet by Settle In, readers will explore the significance of mental health in the U.S. and its impact on overall well-being. The video addresses how mental health influences daily life, relationships, and emotional resilience, particularly during the resettlement journey. It covers various sources of emotional support, such as friends, family, mentors, and…


This fact sheet by Settle In explains how stress impacts both physical and emotional well-being, causing changes in sleep, appetite, and energy levels. It covers common signs of stress, such as difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and feelings of isolation. Viewers will learn coping skills like maintaining a routine, getting enough sleep, moving your body, and…


In this video by Settle In, viewers will explore the significance of mental health in the U.S. and its impact on overall well-being. The video addresses how mental health influences daily life, relationships, and emotional resilience, particularly during the resettlement journey. It covers various sources of emotional support, such as friends, family, mentors, and professionals…


This video by SettleIn explains how stress impacts both physical and emotional well-being, causing changes in sleep, appetite, and energy levels. It covers common signs of stress, such as difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and feelings of isolation. Viewers will learn coping skills like maintaining a routine, getting enough sleep, moving your body, and connecting with…


This fact sheet from Settle In provides crucial information on maintaining emotional wellness, which is vital for overall health and resilience. It explains how emotions impact physical health, relationships, memory, and decision-making. The guide offers tips for stress management, including mindfulness, finding balance, and connecting with others. It also highlights when to seek professional support…


This video from Settle In focuses on emotional health and wellness, guiding viewers on how to understand their emotions and adapt to life’s challenges, such as stress and change. It emphasizes the connection between emotional and physical health, relationships, memory, and decision-making. The video offers practical advice on mindfulness, finding balance, connecting with others, managing…


The “Refugee Community Education Video Index,” authored by Catholic Charities, is a comprehensive resource featuring a curated collection of videos on a wide range of topics, including health, estate planning, English learning, and more. This index is thoughtfully categorized by language to ensure accessibility and relevance for diverse refugee communities. By providing easily accessible educational…

This resource, developed by CARRE and the International Rescue Committee, is a client facing handout with information on what hate crimes and hate incidents are, how to remain safe, and reporting options. This resource is available in Arabic, Dari, French, Pashto, Spanish, Swahili, English, and Somali.

This resource, developed by CARRE and the International Rescue Committee, is a client facing handout with information on what hate crimes and hate incidents are, how to remain safe, and reporting options. This resource is available in Arabic, Dari, French, Pashto, Spanish, Swahili, English, and Somali.