Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a short-term psychological treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that has been investigated in various contexts among traumatized refugees and other trauma survivors. Sustained treatment results have been reported, but the methodological quality of the trials needs a more thorough examination. To evaluate the effectiveness of NET for survivors of trauma, authors used a quality assessment, an updated meta-analysis, and a meta-regression analysis. The selected studies showed high external validity; methodological quality was equivalent to other guideline-supported trauma-focused (TF) interventions. The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that patients and providers may expect sustained treatment results from NET. Controlled comparisons with other guideline-supported TF interventions are not yet available.
Diversity initiatives in the US workplace: A brief history, their intended and unintended consequences
Diversity initiatives are designed to help workers from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve equitable opportunities and outcomes in organizations. However, these programs are often ineffective. To better