Purpose: Unaccompanied immigrant children (UIC) experience significant mental health concerns, particularly posttraumatic stress. This is a vulnerable population, yet little systematic research has examined the effectiveness of evidence-based models such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to meet their needs. Integrating religious beliefs and spirituality into therapy could elucidate better understandings of traumatic stress, and posttraumatic cognitions when working with UIC with strong faith traditions/beliefs. Methods: We report on modifications made to a pre-existing treatment, consisting of integrating religious and spiritual themes, to engage and work with UIC participants in a pilot study of Mindfulness-Based CBT. Thematic analysis of therapy notes evaluated the implementation process for integrating religious and spiritual themes. Three composite vignettes illustrate how religiosity and spirituality were salient for UIC participants in this pilot study, and how these were integrated into therapy to address posttraumatic cognitions and symptoms. We assessed changes in PTSD symptom severity and posttraumatic cognitions for UIC and in comparison, to non-UIC participants using the Child PTSD Symptom Scale and the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory. Results: Religiosity and spirituality were important for coping and conceptualizations of trauma, served as facilitators for engaging UIC in therapy, and related to improving posttraumatic cognitions and symptoms. Conclusion: Religious identity and spirituality can be important for meaning making, trauma cognitions and symptoms, and can be important to explore in therapy with unaccompanied immigrant children and adolescents.
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Systematic Review of Psychological Interventions / Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge: Eine systematische Übersicht über psychologische Interventionen. Kindheit und Entwicklung
In 2014, 34,300 applications for asylum were placed by unaccompanied refugee minors in 82 countries. Unaccompanied refugee minors are at a very high risk for psychological disorders, since the absence of a parent is associated with developmental risks that are further increased owing to experiences made while on flight. Given the current refugee situation in…