Improving access to domestic violence services for women of immigrant and refugee status: A trauma-informed perspective

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This study is based in a mid-size city in New York State, where the immigrant and refugee population is steadily growing as a result of the U.S. federal resettlement program and secondary migration. These transformations pose challenges to service providers. Women of immigrant and refugee status who experience domestic violence constitute a particularly vulnerable, yet underserved population. This study is based on 25 in-depth interviews with program users and service providers within organizations that serve domestic violence survivors. It examines service needs and paths to help-seeking among these women through an intersectional and trauma-informed lens. Recommendations to improve service delivery and policies for this population are discussed.


Relevant Evidence Summaries

The evidence was reviewed and included in the following summaries: 

What works to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence among refugees?

A variety of interventions may be effective in preventing or responding to intimate partner violence (IPV) among refugees. Strong evidence supports the effectiveness of IPV prevention and response interventions that: consider the unique contexts of refugees and immigrants, engage with community members, and are tailored according to participants’ lived experiences, needs, and abilities. There is…

About this study

AGE: Adults


HOST COUNTRY: United States



TYPE OF STUDY: Suggestive evidence



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