Fostering resilience and belongingness among students with refugee backgrounds


Due to war, conflict and persecution, thousands of students with refugee backgrounds are enrolled in public schools in the United States. Educators need to be aware of the struggles many of these students faced before resettlement and after arriving in the U.S. Students with refugee backgrounds are a special “class” in that their journey likely began with fleeing for their lives due to war and persecution, often living for years in refugee camps, then vetted by many international agencies, eventually accepted by the United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees, then resettled in a new country, often without connections or US ties. Though these students have legal rights and pathways to citizenship, they often face layers of discrimination and hardship even after resettlement, which multiplies their trauma. Due to these compounded experiences of trauma, exposures, and stressors, a majority (not all) will likely be at risk for mental health conditions and schools have been shown to be the ideal location for mental health services. While some SWRB will be at risk for mental health concerns, other SWRB show post-traumatic growth and resilience, and therefore, this research seeks to move away from a pathologizing medical model and consider their strength and positive outcomes that can ensue. This graduate project consists of a welcome workshop followed by three support group sessions that are based on the evidence-based scientific research reviewed. The objective of this project is for school counselors to support students with refugee backgrounds and their specific needs as they are often an invisible minority among students, to foster their resilience, and to plan for belonging.


Relevant Evidence Summaries

The evidence was reviewed and included in the following summaries: 

What is the impact of peer support groups on refugees’ mental health?

Multiple sources of strong evidence indicates that peer support groups can improve newcomer mental health symptoms. Three systematic reviews, as well as four additional studies, demonstrate positive outcomes from peer support groups in various newcomer populations. Such groups appear to provide a unique benefit to both participants and newcomer leaders in enhancing social connections, expanding…

About this study

AGE: Adolescents and/or Youth


HOST COUNTRY: United States




TYPE OF STUDY: Suggestive evidence


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In 2014, 34,300 applications for asylum were placed by unaccompanied refugee minors in 82 countries. Unaccompanied refugee minors are at a very high risk for psychological disorders, since the absence of a parent is associated with developmental risks that are further increased owing to experiences made while on flight. Given the current refugee situation in…

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