The article presents a review of research on psychological interventions for adult resettled refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted with the assistance of several databases such as PsycINFO, PubMed, and social services abstracts. Most of the studies report notable improvement in participants with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the review was found to be biased towards patients showing torture and trauma with PTSD symptoms.
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Systematic Review of Psychological Interventions / Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge: Eine systematische Übersicht über psychologische Interventionen. Kindheit und Entwicklung
In 2014, 34,300 applications for asylum were placed by unaccompanied refugee minors in 82 countries. Unaccompanied refugee minors are at a very high risk for psychological disorders, since the absence of a parent is associated with developmental risks that are further increased owing to experiences made while on flight. Given the current refugee situation in…