Detecting antepartum and postpartum depression and anxiety symptoms and disorders in immigrant women: A scoping review of the literature

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A scoping review of the literature was conducted to compile existing evidence and identify gaps on detection methods and practices of antepartum and postpartum anxiety and depression symptoms and disorders in immigrant women. With the assistance of a health science librarian, four databases were searched between January and March 2016. Thirteen articles met the inclusion criteria and their findings were compiled using numerical summary and thematic analysis. No articles specifically addressing the screening of anxiety disorders or symptoms in antepartum or postpartum immigrant women were found. Some studies showed positive results for using translated tools. Other studies showed similarities in immigrant and non-immigrant assessment. However, several challenges in detection existed. Some of these challenges include cultural appropriateness of some questions and the accuracy of interpretive services and instrument translation. Limited literature was found, indicating a need to design and test targeted strategies to ensure that immigrant women are provided with appropriate antepartum and postpartum emotional support and mental health services based on appropriate policies and practices.


Relevant Evidence Summaries

The evidence was reviewed and included in the following summaries: 

What Works to Improve Maternal Mental Health Outcomes for Refugees?

This evidence summary summarizes the state of available evidence on the impacts of interventions targeting the reduction of adverse mental health symptoms in expectant or new mothers. This summary includes interventions that are either directly impacting the mothers or aiming to increase rates of screening by medical providers.

About this study

AGE: Adults


GENDER: Female

HOST COUNTRY: Multiple countries

OUTCOME AREA: Mental Health

POPULATION: Immigrants



TYPE OF STUDY: Systematic review



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