Considerations about engaging volunteers in crisis managements


Deep crises seem to multiply and diversify, with recent examples such as the war refugee crisis and the COVID 19 pandemic. At the same time, in these crises, people tend to get involved through various forms of volunteering. However, these can prove useless when unorganised, without adequately trained people. This article, having a theoretical background, examines key aspects of crisis management through a specialised literature review, highlighting ways of involving volunteers effectively so that they can make a real contribution to solving the crisis. The results indicate ways volunteering can respond to the various needs of crisis management, emphasising the need for careful planning, appropriate role assignment, training, and coaching, without neglecting aspects of time management, working under pressure, task satisfaction and well-being.


Relevant Evidence Summaries

The evidence was reviewed and included in the following summaries: 

What are the best strategies for emergency preparedness and emergency information dissemination among resettled refugees?

The evidence in this area is suggestive. Within these suggestive studies, there is broad consensus on four key points related to emergency preparedness and emergency information dissemination among resettled refugees: Pre-existing partnerships among refugee communities, community-based organizations (CBOs), and local emergency planners are vital. People who serve as social bridges between refugee communities and governmental…

About this study

AGE: Adults

DIRECTION OF EVIDENCE: No evidence about impact



HOST COUNTRY: Multiple countries



STRENGTH OF EVIDENCE: No evidence about impact

TYPE OF STUDY: Suggestive evidence


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