Newcomer Housing Tips: Cultivating landlord relationships for long term housing

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Switchboard is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar open to all refugee service providers, whether working at state agencies, resettlement agencies or affiliates, or other organizations. Please circulate this announcement widely among your colleagues! Newcomer Housing Tips: Cultivating landlord relationships for long term housing with NeighborWorks and Refugee Housing Solutions Monday, May 8, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

What will this webinar cover?
In recent years, there has been a growing challenge for refugee service providers to secure long term housing for newcomer refugees. Particularly, securing partnerships with landlords for long term housing. This webinar will give you key insights and tips on cultivating landlord relationships, whether you are looking to begin or expand existing landlord relationships. This training accompanies Switchboard’s blog post on Newcomer Housing Tips: Four Steps for Outreach to Landlords – Switchboard (

Is this webinar for me?
This webinar is aimed at case workers or management staff of organizations working with newcomer refugee populations, and refugee service providers.

Why should I participate?
After participating in this 60-minute session, you will be able to:
• Why building a good landlord-tenant relationship is worth your time as a refugee service provider
• Name strategies for identifying and establishing collaborative partnerships that will develop or expand your current landlord relations; and
• Insight from key affordable housing experts and learning how to cultivate landlord relationships for long term housing


May 08 2023


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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