Switchboard Blog

Switchboard’s blog posts offer a wide range of insights on the newcomer experience, including practical tips for navigating the resettlement process, resource lists tailored to community needs, case studies about relevant programs, engaging stories of successful integration, and more.


Preparing Newcomers for Weather and Other Emergencies: Essential Resources for Service Providers (Part Two)

Wondering how you can help prepare newcomers for emergencies? Take a proactive approach! Newcomers should be familiar with local emergency protocols and available resources. Provide guidance about potential risks, share videos and tips on preparedness, and inform newcomers about how to access available support before, during, and after emergencies. You may also assist clients in…

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Refine Search

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People who are new to the United States may have many adjustments to make. Getting acquainted with the U.S. financial system can be one important component that supports successful integration. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has a wealth of information that resettlement staff can share with refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities, to help people…

As Afghan newcomers begin to find their footing here in the United States, many will explore options for postsecondary and career and technical education. Accessing Title IV, Federal student aid through the U.S. Department of Education can offer critical assistance in financing these goals and aspirations. The Dear Colleague letter released by the U.S. Department…

For newcomer families to succeed in the U.S., it is critical to look beyond economic self-sufficiency to other elements of family wellbeing. In October 2021, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) issued new Family Self-Sufficiency Plan requirements for those receiving employment-related Refugee Support Services (RSS). This new guidance requires, a “whole-family approach” to addressing barriers…

As employment staff across the resettlement network know, clients with professional backgrounds bring to their job searchin-demand talent, perspective, and commitment, but face unique barriers to attaining quality, professional-level employment. Clients are often ‘starting over’ in a complex workforce that does not always recognize their credentials or transferrable skills. This “brain waste” is not a…

With Women’s Health Month in May and Men’s Health Month in June, now is a great time to share parenthood resources from the National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM). Debunking myths—including those related to fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood—and encouraging vaccinations and booster shots are key to protecting RIM communities from severe illness…