Switchboard Blog
Switchboard’s blog posts offer a wide range of insights on the newcomer experience, including practical tips for navigating the resettlement process, resource lists tailored to community needs, case studies about relevant programs, engaging stories of successful integration, and more.

Preparing Newcomers for Weather and Other Emergencies: Essential Resources for Service Providers (Part Two)
Wondering how you can help prepare newcomers for emergencies? Take a proactive approach! Newcomers should be familiar with local emergency protocols and available resources. Provide guidance about potential risks, share videos and tips on preparedness, and inform newcomers about how to access available support before, during, and after emergencies. You may also assist clients in…
Refine Search
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- Rob Callus
In early 2022, President Biden announced that the United States would welcome 100,000 Ukrainian newcomers and others affected by the Russian invasion that took place in February. The resettlement network is working to support Ukrainians by providing available benefits and services, including those funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). This blog post, created…
- Switchboard
Imprinted Memories, September 1987 The strong smell of freshly sharpened pencils and lemon scented floors dominates as I cling to my father’s hand and hesitantly walk down a long hallway to my kindergarten class on the first day of school. When we arrive at the door, I hastily sit on his feet in a desperate…
- Madina Masumi
American Job Centers (AJCs) are a key component of the public workforce system. They provide a critical set of resources to jobseekers looking for employment or career growth. ORR-eligible populations often qualify as a priority service population in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs. Individuals enrolled in these programs may be able to access…
- Lauren Bowden
Quality assurance is a program management system focused on ensuring staff meet employment program guidelines efficiently. Successful quality assurance (QA) improves program outcomes without increasing burdens on staff. However, when faced with the many competing priorities of managing an employment program, implementing QA strategies can feel daunting. Below are six tips for strengthening quality assurance…
- Kiera McCarthy
Digital literacy skills may seem universal, especially if we consider all the places and situations where technology exists. Research has shown, however, that access to and use of technology vary based on demographics such as race, economic class, education, place of birth, etc. Through their work with refugee and newcomer clients, service providers can help…
- Jamie Harris