Switchboard Blog
Switchboard’s blog posts offer a wide range of insights on the newcomer experience, including practical tips for navigating the resettlement process, resource lists tailored to community needs, case studies about relevant programs, engaging stories of successful integration, and more.

Preparing Newcomers for Weather and Other Emergencies: Essential Resources for Service Providers (Part Two)
Wondering how you can help prepare newcomers for emergencies? Take a proactive approach! Newcomers should be familiar with local emergency protocols and available resources. Provide guidance about potential risks, share videos and tips on preparedness, and inform newcomers about how to access available support before, during, and after emergencies. You may also assist clients in…
Refine Search
It can be difficult for service providers and communities to locate healthcare providers who are trained in refugee and immigrant health best practices. In addition, the U.S. resettlement landscape is changing with the expansion of different categories such as parolees. Finding healthcare providers who understand these varied communities’ unique health needs, who work with interpreters,…
- Switchboard
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach on how to best support mentors of newcomer youth, program coordinators can tailor their management strategies to meet clients’ specific needs and provide strong support to volunteer mentors. Below, Selina Máté describes some of the challenges and common questions that many teams face while building a youth mentorship program…
- Selina Mate
As resettlement service providers, we’re quick to notice when something is working well and when it isn’t. That’s because a key priority is serving clients as smoothly as possible. However, when faced with the challenge of gauging the effectiveness of a program, advocating for funding, or implementing a new intervention, discovering what works best takes…
- Jodie Boisvert
The U.S. government announced that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) will end on May 11, 2023. The end of the PHE is likely to impact the clients you serve. This blog post shares four key changes you should know about and ways you can help clients prepare. For even more resources on serving refugee…
Are you a service provider beginning to connect with sponsors for Ukrainian newcomers? Are you fielding questions about affordable housing for this population? This blog post is for you! Developed in partnership with Refugee Housing Solutions, this post describes how Ukrainians arrive in the U.S. and provides housing tips to share with sponsors for these…
- Sophia Martin
Child labor trafficking is an important area of concern for service providers who support Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URMs). Due to their unique circumstances, children and youth enrolled in the URM program may be at increased risk for labor trafficking. URM agencies are community-based service providers with connections to child welfare, law enforcement, local schools, and…
- Switchboard