Maximizing the Value of Legal Internships in Immigration Services
What will this roundtable cover?
Immigration legal service providers often face the challenge of balancing an ever-increasing workload among limited staff members. Due to funding and capacity constraints, immigration program directors often do not consider legal internship programs viable options for helping to relieve staff members of their large workloads. This roundtable will address common misconceptions immigration legal service providers may have about the value of recruiting and hosting legal interns. In addition, the roundtable panelists will share practical tips for implementing and maintaining an effective legal internship program.
Is this roundtable for me?
This roundtable is designed for immigration legal service providers who may want to incorporate legal interns into their daily operations. While not a requirement, Switchboard encourages participants to read the related blog post Maximizing the Value of Legal Internships in Immigration Services in advance of this training.
Why should I participate?
After participating in this 60-minute session, you will be able to:
Identify reasonable recruitment strategies for an immigration legal internship program
Identify appropriate immigration law projects to delegate to legal interns
Apply three strategies to effectively operate an immigration legal internship program