

Webinar Slides

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ECBO Partnership with State Refugee Offices

Hosted on September 19, 2024, the training was delivered by Rob Callus, Switchboard Training Officer with a focus on community integration; Nao Kabashima, co-founder and Executive Director of the Karen Organization of San Diego (KOSD); Nawid Mousa, manager of the Ethnic Community Self-Help Program; and, Sedrick Murhula, ECBO Consultant.

Ethnic community-based organizations (ECBOs) and state refugee offices often share the same mission: welcoming refugees and supporting them in their integration into the country. For this reason, it is critically important that they work together to provide the best possible services to their communities. However, given the sensitive and complex nature of the work being done in this space, collaboration can present difficulties. This webinar aims to address this, providing best practices for partnerships between ECBO leaders and state refugee offices while recognizing and considering partnership challenges. The webinar will discuss how to manage these challenges by bringing both ECBO leaders and state refugee officers to the table. These experts will share examples of different modes of collaboration that have been successful, as well as lessons they have learned from their experiences navigating this space.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
– Explain how state refugee offices commonly partner with ECBOs
– Identify challenges and opportunities that ECBOs face by examining three successful partnership models
– Apply best practices, shared by ECBO leaders, for state refugee office partnerships to your own local context