How to Apply for DOJ Full Accreditation

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Is your nonprofit organization interested in representing clients before the immigration court using non-attorneys who have Department of Justice (DOJ) full accreditation? If so, please join CLINIC staff for this informative webinar on how you can expand access to removal defense representation in your community by obtaining DOJ full accreditation for your partially accredited staff. We will discuss the eligibility requirements for full accreditation and how they differ from partial accreditation, the process of preparing for full accreditation with training and mentoring, elements of a strong application, the adjudication process, and next steps after approval. We will also provide tips for getting started and resources for additional information.

CLINIC Presenters:

  • Helen Chen, Supervising Senior Attorney, Training and Technical Assistance
  • Jessica Hernandez, Staff Advocate, Training and Technical Assistance

March 6, 2024 | 2-3:30 p.m. ET | CA MCLE: N/A | Free | Eligible Grant(s) Discount: N/A


Mar 06 2024


2:00 am - 3:30 pm


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