Evidence Database

Switchboard has developed a database of research studies to help refugee service providers in the U.S deliver evidence-based interventions. Studies are added on an ongoing basis. Most studies included in this database are published articles identified in the process of developing Switchboard Evidence Summaries. Use the search area to find content based on criteria like outcome area, intervention, publication year, population, and study type.

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In 2014, 34,300 applications for asylum were placed by unaccompanied refugee minors in 82 countries. Unaccompanied refugee minors are at a very high risk for psychological disorders, since the absence of a parent is associated with developmental risks that are further increased owing to experiences made while on flight. Given the current refugee situation in…

Refugee resettlement in recent months has become an issue of intense debate in the United States. An issue that was once viewed as a humanitarian one has now taken on political significance. It has become a commonly discussed subject in public circles and one that requires an opinion regarding its good or evil. Despite these…

Human trafficking, often referred to as modern-day slavery, entails the exploitation of a person for commercial sex or labor through methods that include force, fraud or coercion. Many of those human trafficking survivors who are identified have experienced significant physical, sexual, emotional, social or economic abuse at the hands of their traffickers. Professionals who work…

This case study focuses on complex trauma in a refugee family. It explores the barriers faced while supporting a family presenting with complex and multifaceted needs. It reviews the roles, processes and participation of practitioners from Service Coordination (case management) and Treatment (therapeutic intervention) perspectives. This case study also examines the gaps in existing services…

Objectives: Refugee populations arriving to the United States report high rates of exposure to trauma and associated psychiatric distress that may necessitate referrals to mental health services. Although refugee arrivals receive a voluntary health screening, mental health screening is not routine. Public health providers report that one barrier to mental health screening concerns uncertainty about…

Rural Latino immigrant women at risk of family violence may perceive churches as their only source of help. However, immigrant church leaders may be poorly equipped to address family violence in their congregations. This article describes a project designed to stimulate and support appropriate responses to family violence by rural immigrant churches, including those identified…

Objective: This pilot project used an interactive theater approach to teach effective bystander interventions to refugees resettled in the United States. These interventions are utilized to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) in refugee communities. Methods: This project consists of the following procedures: 1) Development of a script; 2) First round of the performance enacting the…

This study is based in a mid-size city in New York State, where the immigrant and refugee population is steadily growing as a result of the U.S. federal resettlement program and secondary migration. These transformations pose challenges to service providers. Women of immigrant and refugee status who experience domestic violence constitute a particularly vulnerable, yet…

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to explore the defining characteristics of an interdisciplinary culturally sensitive approach to family therapy with traumatized refugee families affected by family violence. Furthermore, the paper aims to explore the mechanisms of change as seen from the perspective of the therapists. Design/methodology/approach. Based on qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews…

This article presents the results of a self-empowerment leadership intervention program for Latina immigrant survivors of domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia. It builds on the literature base of the Promotora model, a public health model using peer information sharing as a tool for health promotion. This study used an embedded mixed-methods design with quantitative and…